Socket Events

Each event type below includes the following details, take socket_connected event as an example.

  1. action - marker if the message is incoming or outgoing from the client application.

    • sendMessage - states if the event can be emitted from the client application. Marked as Emit: true in the event types.

    • receiveMessage - states if the event can be received by the client application. If received, the client application is responsible for the handling and acknowledgement of the event. Marked as Receive: true in the event types.

  2. event - content of the event. Most events would have the same schema as below. Detailed payloads for each event type are in the next section.

    • event_type - socket event type name

    • event_payload - socket event payload

    • event_id - socket event id

    • accespts_response_payload - feature not yet implemented, by default is false. (Once implemented, the client will be able to reply to a specific ID for applicable use cases.

Socket Event Example

    "action": "sendMessage || receiveMessage",
    "event": {
        "event_type" : "Socket event name.",
        "event_payload" : {}
        "event_id" : "Unique event id",
        "accepts_response_payload" : false 

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